Slack channels are to our generation what forums were to the nineties generation. Outside of the office, the team messaging tool is being used to link groups of people passionate about certian niche topics. At Honeypot, we are big fans of Slack. To share the love, we have come up with a (slightly incomplete) list of the best slack channels for developers. Get slacking people!

1. Hashtag Developers

“The global developers community, on Slack.”

2. European Dev Explorer

“Learn from others devs about best European cities and ask questions. Share experiences about living and working in different European cities.”

3. Angular Chat

“Talk to some of the best AngularJS minds on the web today”

4.iOS Developers

“A Slack community for iOS developers with 5,000+ members and counting. We care about three things; being open, helping each other, and sharing knowledge. If this sounds like you then request an invite. We look forward to getting to know you.”

5. FEDs on Slack

“We discuss a wide array of topics, including JavaScript, general front end development topics, css, angular, JS, and much more. We also have an #offtopic channel to just shoot the shit, because as it turns out, all of us FEDs have more in common than just our profession. Oh and GIFs, lots and lots of GIFs!”

6. Slash Rocket

“Slashrocket is a community of developers of all backgrounds. we started with a few people talking about code and have since grown to a community of more than 900 members. we work together to create projects as a group, discuss development, and provide a friendly home on the web for developers. we adhere to a code of conduct so everyone feels welcome.”

7. DevOps Chat

“All the admins for this channel are huge nerds. Seriously. We really love technology and work in the industry and keep our own side projects going too. Feel free to ask us anything! We’d love to hear about your suggestions and ideas.”

8. #EuropeanStartups

“Engage with founders and investors from across Europe. #EuropeanStartups facilitates discussions, Q&A’s, AMAs, feedback and braintrusts. #EuropeanStartups is hosted on Slack, which enables cross platform communication in an elegant way.”

(The rest of the channels on the list don’t have descriptions unfortuantely)

9. Slack

10: #testing


12: #python

13: #nodejs

14: #php

15: #go

16: Ruby Developers

17: Code Newbie

18: Game Development

19: Elxir Slack

20: Internet of things

21: Startup Berlin - we like these guys! :)

Emma Tracey

Emma Tracey

Emma is Co-Founder at Honeypot. Emma looks after Product and Marketing and loves working closely with users to deliver new features.