HR Tips Honeypot
The workplace as we know it has ceased to exist. Was that too dramatic? Perhaps. But we can’t deny that the last few years created a drastic shift in working conditions. And that shift opened up a new avenue of employment possibilities - one of them being globally remote.
HR Tips Mikaella C.
It’s a tricky time to hire. The cumulative effects of COVID, the Great Resignation, and global economic shifts have led to a scarcity of skilled tech workers in Germany. The problem is both Europe-wide—where the Korn Ferry Institute found that by 2030 the tech industry labor-skill shortage will reach 14.3 million workers—and specific to Germany, where Bitkom reported that 96,000 vacancies for IT experts in Germany remained unfilled in 2021.
Product Product Team
At Honeypot, monitoring the tech job market is part of our job. As
expected, tech teams are growing in size and complexity amid the
shortage of experienced tech
We have decided to step up our game and enable you to expand your team further by
using Honeypot.
Product Hannah Augur
On her 31st birthday, Zahra was ready for a change.
It was September 2020, and Zahra, a software developer, had lived in Iran her whole life. Based in Tehran with her husband, Zahra was working from home and reconsidering what she wanted. Her newly restricted pandemic life meant that had a lot of time at home to think about her situation, her lifestyle, her hopes and dreams, and she began to consider the idea of moving to a new country.
Developer Careers Hannah Augur
There are many reasons you might be drawn to live in Switzerland: amazing scenery, outdoor adventures from skiing to hiking, great fondue! And for developers, a vibrant working culture with huge demand for more software engineers and a booming startup scene. In 2019 Switzerland attracted $445 million in investments, and unlike more US-centric working cultures, overtime is much less expected, even in startups. Which means that you can enjoy a great salary, great job opportunities and great quality of life, with plenty of time on the weekends to enjoy your newfound love of mountains.
Developer Careers Hannah Augur
One of the great things about the developer’s skillset is that you can take it around the world. From Europe to Asia to the US, developers can apply their expertise and enjoy work and life across the globe, making it easier than ever to try new things, experience new cultures and leave your hometown for a taste of something fresh.
Product Eli McGarvie
Unsere Mission bei Honeypot ist es, Unternehmen und Entwickler zu verbinden. Wir sind kontinuierlich darum bemüht, diesen Prozess zu verbessern. Deshalb haben wir in den letzten beiden Quartalen verschiedene Anpassungen getestet, um zu verstehen, was unseren Partnern zu mehr Erfolg beim Recruiting helfen könnte.
Product Eli McGarvie
Our mission at Honeypot is to help companies and developers find each other. We constantly strive to improve this. That’s why, in the last two quarters, we tested several things to understand what could help our clients have more success on our platform.
HR Tips Hayley Kuhl
When you’re building a digital solution as sophisticated as OMRT’s, it’s important to get the best developers on board. However, the time, energy and money it takes to find them is like banging your head against a wall.
HR Tips Iolanda Saló
The future of work is forever changed – and many say for the better. According to the recent New World of Work Report, 63% of companies went fully remote by the time COVID-19 hit its peak, and 82% say it will be important for candidates going forward. Not only that, but the option to work remotely is a number one priority for most job-seeking developers.